Svenska med baby offers a unique opportunity for companies to contribute to a more inclusive and cohesive society, while strengthening your brand and values. By partnering with us or supporting our activities financially, you become part of a movement that actively works to break segregation and promote integration in Sweden.
You will have access to a range of tools and platforms to spread your support for Svenska med baby.
Become part of our local community and contribute to a safer future for children and everyone in the area.
We are happy to create new activities or offers based on your ideas and needs.
Our activities create meeting places where newly arrived and established families can meet, make contacts and strengthen their parenting skills. By supporting us, you show that your company cares not only about business results, but also about contributing to a better society. This strengthens your corporate social responsibility and can also increase the engagement of your employees, who often appreciate their employer's contribution to meaningful social action.
In addition to the positive social impact, working with us also gives you the opportunity to be visible in contexts where inclusion work and social responsibility are in focus. It can be an important part of your branding, clearly communicating that your company is committed to an open and inclusive society.
We look forward to discussing how we can work together to create long-term change - for families, for society and for your business.
Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on our projects, events and how you can make a difference.
Svenska med baby – Föräldraträffar för jämlikhet och inkludering.
Svenska med baby c/o
Bagarmossens folkets hus
Lillåvägen 44
128 45 Bagarmossen
Org nr: 802502-7627
© Svenska med Baby, 2024