We need you as a member of Svenska med baby. It's free and you can cancel your membership at any time. You will also help us become stronger as an organization. It is important that we stand together to create a society where all children can grow up in safety and care, and where parents and families are included in an open and equal society. The fact that many of us support our common vision is also important when, for example, we want to meet politicians to raise issues that are important to our target group.
As a member, you choose how much you want to get involved. Many people choose to just sign up as a member because they know it's good for us. Others want to be a bit more active and might come and visit us at the office (we have special days for that) or take part in the annual general meeting and vote on decisions that the organization should take.
Many people in Sweden are members of associations, whether it's their children's football club, a housing association, a trade union or a small interest group. It's good and fun to learn how things work in an association. Once a year, we organize a digital meeting for anyone who wants to learn a little about what it means to be part of an association. If you are a member, you will be invited.
However you choose to be a member, we are grateful for your support. A warm welcome to you!
Fill in the form below to become a member and show your support. We use data on gender to see the distribution of members.
Svenska med baby – Föräldraträffar för jämlikhet och inkludering.
Svenska med baby
Bagarmossens folkets hus
Lillåvägen 44
128 45 Bagarmossen
Org nr: 802502-7627
© Svenska med Baby, 2024