Three generations meet

Till dessa träffar är du välkommen som har barn upp till två år, samt du som är pensionär. Här möts barn, föräldrar och seniorer med olika bakgrund i generationsöverskridande möten. Förutom att vi fikar och pratar gör vi alltid en aktivitet tillsammans. Det kan vara en stadsvandring, ett besök på ett museum, pyssel eller bakning. Vem vet, kanske träffar du en extra mormor, morfar eller ett barnbarn att ha fortsatt kontakt med!
Tre generationer möts är finansierat av Allmänna arvsfonden.
Father with baby meets older woman.

Here's how the meetings work

This is where parents on parental leave with children up to two years old who are new to Sweden and Swedish-speaking seniors meet. We always start with a presentation, so that everyone feels really welcome. Sometimes we go to a museum. Other times we stay in the meeting room and talk about different topics ranging from leisure to traditions and society. We exchange experiences and support each other. We have coffee and practice Swedish together.

The purpose of Three generations meet

Many families with children who have come to Sweden lack contact with older generations. When you don't have your own family around you, it can feel a bit empty. Many seniors who are established in Sweden, on the other hand, may feel that they have a lot left to give, even though they have retired from work. In addition, many older people enjoy seeing young children. There are many upsides to the exchange of experiences and a new kind of community. For the new families, it can be valuable to speak Swedish with someone who has time. And maybe not speak as fast as young people like to do. 

The meetings of these three generations enable these encounters and contribute to a richer life for all participants. During the meetings, it is explored whether the participants find any similar interests to build on. It is hoped that some of the contacts made will last over time, even after the project has ended.

Find out more about Three generations meet, contact us

Do you want to volunteer for
Three generations meet?

By becoming a volunteer group leader for Svenska med baby, you are part of creating a more inclusive society. Right now we are looking for seniors as group leaders for the fall in these areas: Farsta, Skarpnäck, Järva and Järfälla. Sign up here.

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Questions and answers on
Three generations meet

No, you can come to any meeting you want, wherever you live.

Everything is free for you as a participant. Admission, materials and coffee.

We are thinking mainly of those who have retired, but are still fit. From around 65 years and up!

It's going great! You can take the opportunity to practice Swedish at the meetings.