You are welcome!

Vi välkomnar alla små barn och deras vuxna till våra träffar! Här möts barnfamiljer med olika bakgrund, oavsett om du är ny i Sverige eller har bott här lång tid eller hela livet är du och din familj välkomna. Vi leker, fikar, pratar och lär av varandra. Eftersom alla har små barn, även den som är gruppledare, vet vi att man kanske plötsligt måste byta en blöja eller mata sitt barn.

Alla träffar är gratis, till vissa träffar är det bra om du anmäler dig, så att vi vet hur många vi ska ordna fika för. I aktivitetskalendern står det om du behöver anmäla dig eller inte. Där står det också vilka åldrar på barnen som träffarna vänder sig till.

Parents' meetings

Our parent meetings welcome you who are on parental leave and your child up to two years old. Children and parents from different backgrounds meet here. About half of the parents are usually new to Sweden and half have lived here for a long time or perhaps all their lives. The meetings last around two hours and we usually have time for singing, coffee, games and chat. And above all, we have fun! Even if you don't speak Swedish you are welcome, it's a great opportunity to practice the language if you need to. 

Father with child during father's day.

Fatherhood meetings

We welcome all children up to five years old and their fathers to our meetings! Children and fathers from different backgrounds meet here. About half of the fathers are usually new to Sweden and half have lived here for a long time or perhaps all their lives. We meet to have fun, have coffee, play, talk about what it's like to be a dad and to create great memories with our children. 

Father with baby meets older woman.

Three generations meet

You are welcome to these meetings if you have children up to two years old and are new to Sweden, and if you are a Swedish-speaking pensioner. In addition to coffee and conversation, we always do an activity together. It can be a city walk, a visit to a museum, crafts or baking. Who knows, you might meet an extra grandma, grandpa or grandchild to keep in touch with!


Family reunions

Our family meetings are for the whole family with children up to ten years old. During these meetings, we talk and have coffee, just like at all our meetings. But we also take the opportunity to try something we might not have done before, like growing carrot seeds or baking gingerbread. Sometimes we have a guest visit, maybe the guest is working on drawing, then we get tips about that.


Meetings for asylum seekers and Ukrainian refugees

These meetings offer asylum seekers and Ukrainian refugees, who are here under the Mass Refugee Directive, safe places to meet and talk. As in all our events, children are welcome. The activities aim to help participants get to know their city, improve their mental and physical well-being, and increase their social networks.