Become one of us

Att vara volontär hos oss betyder oftast att du är gruppledare för en rad träffar under en termin. Det gäller om du vill engagera dig i våra föräldraträffar, i våra pappaträffar och i Tre generationer möts. Vill du däremot vara volontär för familjeträffar ser det lite annorlunda ut; där kan du medverka vid en enda träff om du vill. 
Om du vill bli gruppledare för föräldraträffar, pappaträffar eller Tre generationer möts får du först en utbildning av Svenska med baby. Under hela den termin du är volontär har du också ett tätt samarbete med en samordnare hos oss. Du leder sedan gruppen en gång i veckan. Till träffarna kommer barn och föräldrar i ditt område, vilket gör att ditt eget lokala nätverk växer. Du bidrar dessutom till öppenhet och inkludering. 
We have two events every semester, where all volunteers get together and exchange experiences, participate in workshops and also get a nice goodie bag to take home!

How to become a group leader

Select mission

You choose which meetings you want to be a group leader for and fill in your contact details.

Education and training

The coordinator will contact you for an interview. You will receive training before the semester starts.

Start of term

You and your child are ready for the first meeting, with coffee, games and chat!

This is what you get

Fun memories with your child, a nice point to your CV, bigger networks, the knowledge that you contributed to inclusion.

Volunteer for one of these groups

We are looking for people on parental leave with children up to two years old.

We are looking for fathers with children up to five years old.

We are looking for people who want to volunteer during weekends.

We are looking for you who are a Swedish-speaking senior.

"The most rewarding part of being a group leader was meeting other moms with different backgrounds and experiences to learn from."

The people who lead Svenska med baby meetings are almost always volunteers. They are people who want to do this in their spare time, without being paid, because they find it rewarding in so many ways. Some do it because they want to have fun with their children during their parental leave. Others do it because they want to make a contribution to a more inclusive society. Still others want to have the opportunity to add a qualification to their CV, despite being on parental leave. 

Frequently asked questions & answers

No, you don't have to. But we have noticed that it makes things easier. You are closer to the location of the meetings and you also get to know many people in your own area.However, we do not have meetings in all areas, so if you want to be a group leader even though we do not have meetings where you live, we would like you to contact us anyway.

No, being a volunteer does not mean you get paid. Svenska med baby is able to operate in so many places thanks to volunteers. Although you don't get paid in money, you do get a lot of other things. Many of our volunteers put their involvement on their CV. And many talk about what fun they have had and what it has meant to be involved and work for inclusion.

No, we welcome everyone regardless of their level of knowledge and language. We try to communicate in "easy Swedish" and using body language so that everyone can participate on their own and equal terms.

Usually you are for one semester. But if you want to continue to be one for the next semester, we are happy to do so. 

Yes, this applies to all meetings, except for the Three Generations Meetings. We think it is important that everyone meets on equal terms. If you are the parent of a young child, you are certainly at a different stage of life than if you have adult children or perhaps no children at all

Yes, all parents on parental leave with children aged 0 - 2 are equally welcome to our open parenting groups.  

No, this is not possible. We think it is important that all group leaders receive training and a proper introduction to Svenska med baby and to the mission. This would be difficult to achieve with many more volunteers. In addition, we see that it is very good with a leader who during the semester gets to know the group and knows what works.

Parents' meetings for
equality and inclusion