Open Groups for Parents

Svenska med baby’s core activities are our open groups for parents on parental leave, where parents with babies (0-2 y/o) from every nationality and background are welcome to join. Parents and children from different part of the area are welcome to join any group.


We have several open groups for parents on different location in Sweden, and the duration of the meetings are about 1,5 hours. Find your group here.

During the meetings we exchange experiences of parenthood, give each other support and discuss different themes related to be a parent. We also sing together with the babies, let the children play with each other and we have fika (coffee break).

Together we learn from each other and for those who need to practice Swedish the meetings is a great way to do it.

It is free of charge and you do not have to pre-register, and you can go to as many meetings as you like. The meetings are led by our volunteers who themselves are on parent leave.

For whom?

We welcome all parents, mothers and fathers from all backgrounds, diversity is important to us. When you participate in our open groups for parents, you will not only have a great time with your baby, but you are also contributing to a more openly and inclusive society.

If you have any questions, please contact us: 


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